Investment objective

VFF means Value Family Finance. Value refers to the respect for the values of life (Environment, Social, Governance), Family refers to the importance of security for families and a sustainable future for their children and Finance refers to an investment vehicle such as the Sub-Fund intended to help the investor to achieve the security and the respect he is looking out for his savings.


Investment policy

The Sub-Fund will invest mainly in units of other UCITS and/or other UCIs selected and actively managed in accordance with the following limits:

Total return funds: Maximum 50%
Equity funds: Maximum 60%
Mixed funds:  Minimum 20% and maximum 100%
Bond funds:  Maximum 80%
Money market funds:  Maximum 80%

The Sub-Fund may also invest in ETFs and in financial derivative instruments (such as futures on indexes) for hedging and investment purposes to the fullest extent permitted by the Prospectus. The Sub-Fund may enter into foreign exchange rates or currencies derivative transactions for investment purposes. The Sub-Fund may reach a maximum of 40% derivatives exposure (netted).

Notwithstanding the above provisions and if justified by exceptional market conditions, the Sub-Fund may invest up to 100% of its net assets in cash and cash equivalents, term deposits, debt securities and money market instruments dealt in on a Regulated Market and whose maturity does not exceed 12 months, monetary UCITS and UCIs. There is no restriction so as to the currency of these securities. Term deposits and liquid assets may not exceed 49% of the Sub-Fund’s net assets; term deposits and liquid assets held by anycounterparty including the Depositary may not exceed 20% of the Sub-Fund’s net assets.

It should be noted that investment in other UCITS and/or other UCIs may entail a duplication of certain fees and expenses. The aggregate management fees (including investment management, advisory and performance fees as the case may be) charged both to the Sub-Fund and to the target UCITS and/or UCIs may not exceed 5%.

If the Sub-Fund invests in units of other UCITS and/or other UCIs that are managed, directly or by delegation, by the Management Company or by any other company with which the Management Company is linked by common management or control, or by substantial direct or indirect holding, that management company or other company may not charge subscription or redemption fees on account of the Sub-Fund’s investments in the units ofsuch other UCITS and/or other UCIs.


Risk and reward profile




Entry charges : 3% maximum

Exit charge : none

Ongoing charges : 1,98%


Practical informations

– ISIN LU0780567466

– The Depositary of the fund is KBL European Private Bankers SA.

– Copies of the prospectus and of the last annual and semi-annual reports of the entire fund as well as other practical information such as the latest price for the shares may be obtained free of charge, in English, at the registered office of the fund: 4, rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg and on the following websites: and